Monday, November 21, 2011


The cold season has arrived.  A little too early with the snow and window shield scraping.  We find ourselves hearing that good old clicking of the heaters and the crackling of our fireplaces.  The unfortunate part about this, is that a lot of that energy may in fact be escaping through the inefficient windows many of us have in our older homes.

If you are considering to replace these windows to something more efficient and long lasting, you may have more than a couple choices.  Windows are one of the most important parts of our home, not only for the purpose of allowing natural light into our homes, but also for ventilation and circulation, for exterior aesthetics, for interior aesthetics, for the ability to look outside to that amazing view, and even to prevent ourselves from becoming depressed.

Monday, November 14, 2011

We are back again!

It has been far too long since our last post and now that things are finally organized again, we can get back to our blogging!

First off, we have delightful news!  We have been nominated as a finalists for the 2011 Georgie Awards in the Best Residential Renovation category!  The project submitted is one you may recognize: Arioso. Click here for a quick reminder :)