Monday, March 5, 2012

JMD Fitness Challenge!

It may be 3 months into the year of 2012 but we, here at Jenny Martin Design, are ready to work off those weekend binges and late night snacks.

For the next two months between March 1st until May 1st, we are challenging ourselves by setting a fitness goal and partaking in some form of fitness regime.    Some of us have already signed up for the 1/2 marathon run clinic to a hardcore fitness class at the local gym.  Others are happy exactly how they are :) :) As so you should, really we all should be!

Working out or some form of exercise is important, but we are also making a conscious effort to eat well and fuel ourselves right despite our crazy weekly schedules.

At the end of the 2 months, we will note our progress and see who worked their butt off the most! Literally!

Do you want to join us? Send us an email at and challenge yourself by telling us your fitness goal!

Do you want to start running?
For more information on run clinics, visit Peninsula Runners here.  We are in their 10km clinic and highly recommend it!

Also coming up this weekend is the CHBA Home & Garden Show.  We will all be there to promote our booth!  Come check us out March 9, 10 & 11th, at the Save On Foods Memorial Arena.

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