Thursday, June 28, 2012

New JMD Website

Hey everyone!

My name is Esrah, and I've been working here at JMD since late April. Some of you may know me as the deep voice who answers the phone occasionally. I'm a first year (going on second year) in the Applied Communication Program at Camosun College. The program teaches students about many aspects of media including print, design, video, radio, etcetera. As part of the curriculum, we work 300 hours over the summer in a co-op placement.

When I came across Jenny's posting, I thought, "how cool would it be to design a website for a design firm!" Having a background in photography and little experience in web design, I was nervous about applying since the only website I'd made prior to working here was my own (and it was lacking to say the least). However, being the kind people they are, the entire crew here made me feel right at home, and I began working on the new design for their site. Jenny and the rest of the team made it clear they wanted something simple and clean, but with some flare. Essentially, a canvas to showcase their work, rather than overpower it.

After several revisions, I started building the site, using plugins and code I'd never even heard of before. I felt swamped immediately, trying to wrap my head around all this new information, but I plugged through, and now, a couple months later, the new site is up and running! 

Having the opportunity to work closely with everyone here was invaluable. I didn't have to waste time wondering about design revisions, I could just ask. In addition, it gave me a different sense of the team dynamics, which meant a much better website in the end.

Although I'm no expert, working here has given me a tremendous amount of confidence in web design. For the rest of the summer, I'll be building a couple websites and taking pictures before I return to school in the fall.

For inquiries about the website, or my photography you can reach me at and my work can be seen at

For anyone who didn't see the original site, I've included some before and after pictures below.

Before - Home page.

After - Home page.

Before - Portfolio page.

After - Portfolio page.

Before - Services page.

After - Services page.

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