Monday, July 16, 2012


  This morning the finalists for the 2012 Care Awards were announced by the Canadian Home Builders Association.  We are very excited to be nominated in 7 categories!!!!
JENNY MARTIN DESIGN nominated for:
Best Residential Renovations or Restoration $125K-$300K - "Amphora"
Best Kitchen 200-250 sf - "Amphora"
Best Multi-Family/Townhouse Project - "Brownstone"
Best Interior - Residential under 2,000 sf - "Brownstone" & "Amphora"
Best Interior - Commercial over 3,000 sf - "Romeos"
Best Website - Company

"Consumers and contractors alike will enjoy these finely crafted homes, with attention paid to energy efficiency and natural materials...The finalists continue the CARE Awards tradition of raising the bar for homebuyers and the industry." 
- Lee MacFarlane, CARE Awards Chair

Gold winners will be announced at the CARE Awards gala on Friday, September 14th at the Fairmont Empress Hotel.

During the month of August and September, the public will be asked to select the winner of the annual People's Choice Award from among the finalists.  Be sure to check them out at and at advertised locations.  We will keep you posted on those!

You can check out the nominated projects on our newly vamped website!  (Also nominated for an award!)

Congratulations to Maximilian Huxley Construction Ltd., Abstract Developments, Jason Good Custom Cabinets, and The Sky Is The Limit!

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